Actuator endpoints

The following custom actuator endpoints are provided. These are disabled by default for both JMX and web. To enable these you need to set property management.endpoint.<id>.enabled to true.

By default all endpoints are exposed over JMX, but only the info and health endpoints are exposed over HTTP. To expose these custom endpoints over HTTP as well you need to set property management.endpoints.web.exposure.include with all endpoints you want enabled. See Exposing Endpoints for more information.


ID: connectSdkLogging

This actuator endpoint allows you to enable and disable logging during runtime. It defines the following operations:


Lists all available LoggingCapable and CommunicatorLogger beans.

HTTP endpoint example:

curl -X GET http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkLogging


Enables logging on all LoggingCapable beans.

By default all available CommunicatorLogger beans will be used in a compound logger. By providing argument logger you can specify a single CommunicatorLogger instead.

HTTP endpoint examples:

curl -X POST http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkLogging -H Content-Type:application/json
curl -X POST http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkLogging?logger=myLogger -H Content-Type:application/json
curl -X POST http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkLogging -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"logger": "myLogger"}'


Enables logging on a specific LoggingCapable bean.

By default all available CommunicatorLogger beans will be used in a compound logger. By providing argument logger you can specify a single CommunicatorLogger instead.

HTTP endpoint examples:

curl -X POST http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkLogging/myBean -H Content-Type:application/json
curl -X POST http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkLogging/myBean?logger=myLogger -H Content-Type:application/json
curl -X POST http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkLogging/myBean -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"logger": "myLogger"}'


Disables logging on all LoggingCapable beans.

HTTP endpoint example:

curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkLogging


Disables logging on a specific LoggingCapable bean.

HTTP endpoint example:

curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkLogging/myBean


ID: connectSdkConnections

This actuator endpoint allows you to call closeIdleConnections and closeExpiredConnections on beans of types PooledConnection, Communicator and Client. It defines the following operations:


Lists all available PooledConnection, Communicator and Client beans.

HTTP endpoint example:

curl -X GET http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections


Closes connections for all available PooledConnection, Communicator and Client beans.

Argument idleTime is optional, and defaults to the value of the connect.api.close-idle-connections.idle-time property. It can be specified as a duration in the Spring Boot supported format.

Argument state can be idle to close only idle connections, expired to close only expired connections, or omitted to close both idle and expired connections.

HTTP endpoint examples:

curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections
curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections?idleTime=10000
curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections?idleTime=10s
curl -X DELETE 'http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections?state=idle&idleTime=10000'
curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections?state=expired


Closes connections for a specific PooledConnection, Communicator or Client bean.

Argument idleTime is optional, and defaults to the value of the connect.api.close-idle-connections.idle-time property. It can be specified as a duration in the Spring Boot supported format.

Argument state can be idle to close only idle connections, expired to close only expired connections, or omitted to close both idle and expired connections.

HTTP endpoint examples:

curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections/myBean
curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections/myBean?idleTime=10000
curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections/myBean?idleTime=10s
curl -X DELETE 'http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections/myBean?state=idle&idleTime=10000'
curl -X DELETE http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkConnections/myBean?state=expired


ID: connectSdkApiKey

This actuator endpoint allows you to manage the API key of the auto-configured Authenticator during runtime; not available when a custom Authenticator is provided. It defines the following operations:


Changes the API key id and secret API key of the auto-configured v1HMAC Authenticator.

HTTP endpoint example:

curl -X POST http://<host>/actuator/connectSdkApiKey -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"apiKeyId": "myApiKeyId", "secretApiKey": "mySecretKeyId"}'