
JUnit Pioneer has @CartesianTest to provide the Cartesian product of sets of arguments. Using @CartesianTest.MethodFactory allows you to create argument sets programmatically. It does not provide the possibility to filter out combinations though. Class ArgumentsCombiner works like JUnit Pioneer's ArgumentSets class but allows filtering out combinations. For instance, to create a set of all possible month-day combinations in non-leap years in an ArgumentsProvider:

class MonthDayArgumentsProvider implements ArgumentsProvider {

    public Stream<? extends Arguments> provideArguments(ExtensionContext context) {
        return ArgumentsCombiner.with(EnumSet.allOf(Month.class))
                .crossJoin(() -> IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 31).boxed())
                .excludeCombinations(arguments -> Month.FEBRUARY.equals(arguments[0]) && (int) arguments[1] > 28)
                .excludeCombination(Month.APRIL, 31)
                .excludeCombination(Month.JUNE, 31)
                .excludeCombination(Month.SEPTEMBER, 31)
                .excludeCombination(Month.NOVEMBER, 31)