Provides classes and interfaces for working with the Windows registry.
Class Summary Class Description BinaryValue A representation of binary registry values.DWordValue A representation of DWORD registry values.FullResourceDescriptorValue A representation of full resource descriptor registry values.LinkValue A representation of link registry values.MultiStringValue A representation of multi-string registry values.NoneValue Represents registry values with no defined value types.QWordValue A representation of QWORD registry values.RegistryKey A representation of registry keys.RegistryKey.Attributes Attributes associated with a registry key.RegistryValue A representation of registry values.RegistryValue.Filter A filter for registry values.RemoteRegistryKey A representation of registry keys on a remote machine.RemoteRegistryKey.Connector A class for connecting to a registry key on a remote machine.ResourceListValue A representation of resource list registry values.ResourceRequirementsListValue A representation of resource requirements registry values.SettableRegistryValue A representation of registry values that can be set.StringValue A representation of string registry values. -
Enum Summary Enum Description RegistryKey.HandleOption An enumeration over the possible options for opening Windows registry handles.RegistryKey.TraverseOption An enumeration over the possible options for traversing a registry key. -
Exception Summary Exception Description InvalidRegistryHandleException Thrown when an attempt is made to access a registry key using a handle that is no longer valid.NoSuchRegistryKeyException Thrown when an attempt is made to access a registry key that does not exist.NoSuchRegistryValueException Thrown when an attempt is made to access a registry value that does not exist.RegistryAccessDeniedException Thrown when access is denied for a requested operation.RegistryException Thrown when an error occurred while trying to access or modify the Windows registry.RegistryKeyAlreadyExistsException Thrown when an attempt is made to create a registry key that already exists.